The Best Brakings

The 7 most demanding braking zones in Formula 1 championship according to Brembo engineers based on 4 different indicators.
The 7 brakings that require the most braking space
The braking distance is one of the best indicators of the difficulty of the turn, as it is influenced by external factors such as the grip conditions and the aerodynamic drag that can affect braking performance. Indeed, when all other conditions are the same, a lower grip and aerodynamic drag will tend to reduce the transmission of the brake torque to the ground, increasing the space and the difficulty of braking.
The 7 brakings characterised by the most deceleration
The difference between initial velocity and final velocity is another indicator which can be useful in determining the difficulty of braking. This provides an absolute value that indicates the difficulty of the turn, or in other words, shows the number of Km/h by which the vehicle must reduce its velocity by braking, without consider external factors such as grip or aerodynamic drag, which can facilitate or hinder the transmission of the brake torque to the ground, and so affect the braking procedure.
The 7 brakings that subject the pilot to greater g force
The g-force on the driver's body during braking is positively influenced by the grip and the aerodynamic drag. In fact, in a scenario where all other braking conditions are similar, a higher drag and higher grip will help to increase the g-force on the driver. For this reason turns with a higher g-force can usually be found in circuits featuring a medium to high aerodynamic drag.
The 7 braking sections that require more braking time
The braking time is an indicator of the braking difficulty, which is greatly influenced by exogenous factors such as the grip conditions or downforce. In fact, in the event of similar conditions, less grip and less downforce will tend to reduce the transmission of the braking torque to the ground, increasing the required braking time.
The 7 braking actions which require greater pressure on the pedal
The pressure on the pedal, measured in kg, is the force that the driver has to apply to brake and is a good indicator of the difficulty of the cut off even though this parameter is influenced by internal and external variables. In fact, on a part with other conditions, the pressure applied to the brake lever is influenced by the gripping conditions and the aggressiveness of the friction material, factors capable of increasing the braking torque.
The ranking of the seven most demanding braking sections was compiled using data relating to the braking sections identified during the 2014 season.